About Me

I’m a student at University College Dublin, in the second year of my Bachelor’s in Computer Science. I’ve been programming since middle school, and this is what I’ve wanted to do for the longest time. (I did want to be a chemist for a while in between, but I changed my mind about that about 15 minutes into my first time at the lab.)

That said, I’ve only recently come to realise how vast Computer Science as a field really is, so I’m a bit like a toddler in a toystore right now. I’m trying out a lot of new things, so this blog will likely be home to a very diverse mix of content.

Apart from that, I love reading (and hope to add a section of this blog dedicated to the books I read in the near future). I’ve said for the longest time that my favorite novel is Paper Towns by John Green, because it’s easier than trying to pick a favorite. Other things I enjoy are sitcoms, mainstream pop, and baking.